may my heart be the softest place you fall…

may my heart be the softest place you fall, may this love be the wildest place you run

may my heart be the softest place you fall, may this love be the wildest place you run

– butterflies rising

Another way that butterflies rising connects to ‘she blooms wild and burns bright’ is love that allows us to be soft and vulnerable and wild and free. ‘may my heart be the softest place you fall, may this love be the wildest place you run’ is a micropoem in her poetry book ‘wild spirit, soft heart’ that is about that kind of love that is deep and true and free and wild.

may my heart be the softest place you fall, may this love be the wildest place you run

The original 2018 blog post of may my heart be the softest place you fall, may this love be the wildest place you run